Webinar: Asia emerges as world’s surveillance hotspot and 3 big risks to watch from Hong Kong’s national security law

Human Rights Outlook 2020


A new national security law in Hong Kong is a ‘game changer’ for human rights in the global financial hub and understanding the risks it poses to multinational companies is an important first step towards better protecting your people, assets and reputation. The prospect of deteriorating respect for human rights is a trend not unique to Hong Kong unfortunately. As a region, Asia faces the most pronounced risk to the rights to privacy and free speech as governments re-deploy tech measures used to stem the coronavirus tide towards keeping their citizens in check.

Through the webinar you’ll learn about:

  • The trajectory of human rights in Hong Kong as Beijing seeks to tighten its grip over the semi-autonomous territory
  • Three key risks that Hong Kong’s national security law poses to multinationals
  • How the pandemic is impacting the rights to privacy and free speech in Asia and what it means for businesses


  • Hugo Brennan, Principal Analyst, Asia
  • Sofia Nazalya, Analyst, Human Rights
  • David Irwin-Ransom, Senior Specialist, Marketing