ESG investing
Integrating ESG exposure data in a corporate bond portfolio
An insurance investor needed to benchmark their global ESG exposure data and accurately model top-down risks to corporate fixed income holdings.
The investment management arm of a leading insurance company needed a globally comprehensive set of ESG exposure data to fill a critical gap in its modelling of downside risks to corporate bond investments – the top-down role of the ESG country context.
The company periodically combines its internal geographical data on individual securities identifiers with our entire ESG+P global risk analytics dataset to prioritise companies for issue-specific engagement, due diligence and exclusion or under/over-weighting relative to the benchmark index.
The client has a trustworthy, comprehensive and globally comparable model of top-down ESG+P risks at a portfolio level and in relation to individual securities. It has improved the outcomes and efficiency of its risk management and uses our data as an essential complement to traditional ESG KPIs capturing company risk management proficiency.
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